—except when the pump is broken. It can happen, especially if the pump hasn’t needed to be used for a number of seasons. You’ll need sump pump repairs fast if it doesn’t work.
Here’s how you can prevent an emergency sump pump call
If you haven’t investigated your sump pump in a few years or had it turn on, we recommend making a few basic checks to see that it’s operating correctly. That way, you’ll know if you need to call to have it repaired (or possibly replaced) before a flooding problem starts.
Checking on the pump is an easy job. First, turn the pump on manually to make sure the motor comes on. (Don’t keep the motor running unless there’s water down in the sump, since the motor may overheat.) Then clean out the sump pit of any debris that might be in it, since gravel and dirt may be drawn into the sump pump’s intake and block it. Now take a bucket of water and pour it slowly into the sump. It will raise a float that activates the pump. After the pump turns on, wait to see if it removes the water. If the pump fails to turn on or doesn’t pump out the water, call a professional plumber to find out what’s wrong and get the unit fixed or replaced.
Emergency sump pump problems
That “rainy day” (or broken plumbing day) is here—and your sump pump either won’t come on or it’s making an enormous racket. Don’t delay with calling for a professional plumber. If the problem is a pipe break in your house, shut off the water main to stop the flooding. The plumbers will then take care of fixing the sump pump and removing the water. You want this job done fast, before serious water damage can set in. After all, one of the most critical jobs that a sump pump does is keep moisture away from the foundation of your house.
Call Our Emergency Plumbers
Do you need emergency plumbing in Durham, NC for a sump pump—or for any part of your plumbing? Don’t panic, simply pick up the phone and get in touch with the plumbers at Bud Matthews Services. We handle all home service needs in the Durham Area with 24/7 response. This includes plumbing problems of all types. We have more than 30 years of experience seeing homes receive the highest quality workmanship.
Solve your plumbing problems fast! Bud Matthews Services is here for all your home service needs.